Sunday, April 15, 2007

Ruth McOmber was born July 17,1945 in the Bannock hospital, Pocatello, Idaho. Mother said daddy had gotten her the best room that was comfortable and cool. Mother was very sensitive to the heat and could not handle the hot days of summer. Mothers were required to stay two weeks in the hospital at that time. The "Twilight, no pain" method of birthing was the practice then and was later found out that it risked brain damage and lung weakness. The mother was totally drugged and the baby was removed with forcepts. It has since been discontinuted. It proved to have caused brain damage as was the case with my brother Charles.

This picture is of me when I was one year old. It is a newspaper clipping. Regretfully, I have few pictures of myself as a child.

My family consisted of three older brother: George Brodil, Calvin brodil, and Charles Brodil. I was the last and fifth child. My only sister Frances Marie died of pnamonia when she was eight months old. She was unable to get penicillan since it had not yet been discovered. She was the second child of our family.

Being the last and only girl, I was smothered with love and affection. I was adored and felt very cherished. However, I was not indulged. I learned work ethics that have lasted all my life. It was one of my best memories working along my father in the beat fields on the stake farm. I painted many apartments with him. He was a great carpenter and loved to remodel homes and rent them. We had many work projects as a family.
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